Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fast acting acne treatments not store bought housely holds

« ...A diet that is rich in natural minerals helps to maintain the health of the skin cells and avoid the occurrence of acne. Proper diet and skin care is the basis of the most effective acne treatment Avoiding food with high fat content can considerably reduce the risk of acne. By avoiding diary products, fatty foods, processed foods, sugar, alcohol, and tobacco you can remove toxins from your body. A variety of advanced treatments exist. Depending upon whether the acne is mild, moderate or severe, you have to try different applications to find the one suitable for you....
...Cystic acne, also called nodular acne, is very painful. These nodules are pus filled, inflamed lesions that are lodged deep within the skin. They occur when a comedo has burst open and spilled into the surrounding skin; the immune system responds with pus. This type of acne might remain for weeks or even months, and eventually harden into a cyst. Both cysts and nodules can leave deep scars....»
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«...Majority of acnes are caused by the bacteria Acne vulgaris; where the word 'vulgaris' means 'a common type of'. The hair follicles on faces contain oil glands which is called sebaceous glands that secrete the oil or sebum. As a teenager's body begins to develop, his or her body undergoes lot of hormonal changes which make the sebaceous glands overactive, producing large amount of oil. These oils clogs up the pores containing bacteria or dead cells, as a result the bacterium multiplies causing redness and swelling; which cause pimples. Sometimes when the skin reacts with the bacterial infection, the pimple gets filled up with pus. A whitehead occurs when the pore is clogged and closes but later bulges out. Blackhead occurs when the clogged pore remains open and the upper surface gets darkened....»
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tags: face masks for acne prone skin, pictures of black people with severe acne scarring, metallic taste hair on chin acne dry skin racing mind

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