Sunday, September 28, 2008

Best acne,zit and pimple treatment

« ...Tip 2 Drink Lots of Water Water can actually be very helpful for treating acne. Drinking lots of water is so important if you want to have healthy and clear skin. You should drink about 64 ounces of water every day. The water helps to keep your skin well hydrated. Skin that gets dehydrated does not get rid of dead skin cells like it should and they can then clog up the pores, which can lead to even more acne. So, be sure to keep well hydrated with plenty of water. ...
...Having had acne for many years I was eager to try acne free in 3 days when I first found the website. I got the book and read through it straight away. But I was disappointed......»
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«...When this happens, that purification will actually spread to the outside, or the skin. This means that when impurities invade the pores of the skin, it is highly likely that the water that you have consumed will play a vital role in quickly eliminating this obstruction. As a result, you will experience fewer blemishes. ...»
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tags: acne cream new zealand, acne greatwest health insurance, cystic acne

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