Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mary kay acne treatment gel

« ...Benzoyl peroxide is very effective in treating acne and a lot of people use it. If you are one of those people who use benzoyl peroxide on a regular basis, you should have some experience with the side effects that it carries every time you apply it on your face. Benzoyl peroxide although kills acne causing bacteria effectively, causes your skin to be a lot more irritable and sensitive. Rashes, itchiness and redness are easy to develop on your skin. For this reason, you should use a natural alternative to treat your acne. I recommend using tea tree oil to treat your acne. It is more effective than benzoyl peroxide based on my experience with tea tree oil. And it does not cause any side effects!...
...For a speedy healing on the after-squeeze pimple zone, apply products that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide (like Clearasil). These products will help dry pimples faster and prevent the formation of red spots....»
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«...Actually, there is no clear reason what causes acne even till today. Dermatologist and researchers still are completely sure what causes acne. However, most doctors agree that hormones and heredity are the fundamental sources that lead to such development of acne....»
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tags: inderm acne medication, acne treatment senstivie skin, zombie pale black hair acne

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