Thursday, October 2, 2008

How to treat acne during pregnancy

« ...In the treatment of mild to severe acne, a dermatologist, health care practitioner, or esthetician may choose to use procedural treatments that are meant to be supportive and used in conjunction with topical and/or systemic treatments....
...Acne has many forms. These are seen as a small red dot to big pus filled cysts. However, all these types are related to each other. This means that they are developed from one another. They may also be completely independent in their origin....»
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«...The first place you should look to find the root of your acne problem is not the oil in your skin, but the things you are putting into your body. Often acne and other ailments are the body's response to something it's not happy about....»
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tags: over the counter acne pill, help on getting rid of acne, acne free scar treatment

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