Monday, August 4, 2008

Best acne scar treatment and how to cure acne over night

Acne laser treatment is intended to destroy the oil-producing glands of our skin, without destroying the epidermis or the outer skin layer, thus may be painful. It also produces temporary redness and swelling. Such symptomatic side effects of this kind of treatment may require additional treatment during the process of healing. Also, laser treatment may be left with uneven pigmentation on the skin. Aside from these physical side effects, laser treatment also needs to be done regularly and can be quite costly.
One of the best weapons in the fight against acne, however, is knowledge; if you know what causes acne, it's easier to formulate a good plan of attack. There are five primary culprits contributing to this process. Each of these factors may vary dramatically between individuals. While you don't have control over these factors, understanding them can help you in your search for the proper acne treatment.
The mildest form of acne is blackheads. While oil and bacteria are found in blackheads, it is the skin pigment keratin, not dirt, which caused the dark appearance. Because blackheads have an open pore, inflammation rarely occurs.
tags: the best acne treatment in the world, most effective acne pills, best treatment for adult acne

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